Playing Pro Hockey in Italy
Player Name: Mathieu Ayotte
Most recent team you've played for- 19-20 season (Team, League, Country):
SG cortina, Alps hockey league , Italy/Austria/Slovenia

What was your favorite part about playing for your club/organization this past season?
Teammates and obviously the city was unreal.

Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
How many years of pro have you played in Europe?
Off the ice, describe how your experience of living/playing in this country has been. What is everyday life like outside of the arena? culture/language/etc…
Cortina is a very touristic city. Only 5000 people living there but during winter more than 50 000 people in the city to ski so its a pretty nice experience to be there during the winter.

How would you best describe the style/level of play in the league? Speed game, physical vs open, systems, etc…
League is fast. Not physical . There's a big difference between the top teams and bottom teams like in a lot of leagues in Europe.
How many import players are allowed per team in the league? How was it playing there with the other imports on/off the ice?
I think it was 5 but there is a lot of Canadien players with Italian passports, so some Teams had 10-12 Canadiens. The other imports on my team were great honestly. I'm from Montreal....they were from bc and for sure ill go visit them when I can.

What's a favorite story or 2 of yours from playing overseas in Europe? Could be an awesome on ice experience like a big win in a packed away arena or a funny off ice story related to culture that has nothing to do with hockey….
Funny story that happened the first week I was in italy. The boys invited me to the restaurant, got there and I decided I wanted to order in italian .... I ordered a good old steak with potatoes. Potatoes in italian is patatine or something like that ... i said patatina which means v*gina so I ordered a plate of v*ginas....
Which city do you currently reside in during the off season & what do you enjoy most during the summer while you are out of the season?
Im in Beloeil , 20 minutes away from Montreal .
What I do in the summer is pretty simple, training family time and friends. I travel a lot during the season. You get 2-3 breaks per season, so you get to travel...thats pretty cool.

Last question: Favorite word/phrase you learned (or like using) in the foreign language where you played?
Daiiii = "Lets go."
:) other stuff I know is not very nice to say obviously