ECHL vs HockeyEttan- Sweden Divison 1

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How would you compare/contrast ECHL and HockeyEttan- Sweden Divison 1?

Head to head, the ECHL sits at a bit higher level overall than HockeyEttan. The combination of high end collegiate/junior players and direct NHL affiliations for each ECHL bolsters the quality of players on every single ECHL roster. HockeyEttan is a talented league with many up and coming players, but overall in a big league in sheer number of clubs, the level is a bit lower.
ECHL vs HockeyEttan- Sweden Divison 1 comparison
Our team of partners scouts games in both regions and we've had players in each of these different leagues which helps form our insights on the levels.

Leagues At A Glance

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The ECHL is a minor professional ice hockey league. It is North America's 3rd highest level of pro hockey sitting under the AHL and NHL.

HockeyEttan- Sweden Divison 1

HockeyEttan, also known as Sweden Division 1, is the third tier of ice hockey in Sweden.

Location: North America

Location: Sweden

Skill Level in ECHL

The ECHL is the main AA professional ice hockey league in North America. As the 3rd highest level of pro ice hockey in North America, it sits directly under the AHL and above the SPHL. The far majority of ECHL clubs have direct affiliations with NHL clubs and it's a big development league for players aiming to move up the pro ranks to the AHL and NHL.

Skill Level in HockeyEttan

HockeyEttan is Sweden’s third-tier league, with a few dozen teams divided regionally from the South near Stockholm up to the North near the start of the Arctic Circle. HockeyEttan acts both as a developmental league for young players and a majority of teams also roster several imports to further strengthen their rosters each season.

Player Perspective: ECHL

"Playing in the Coast was important for my career coming out of college. My time grinding here in the league helped me further develop my game and to mature as I prepared for that next level of pro. That jump may not have been possible without my experience here."

Player Perspective: HockeyEttan

"HockeyEttan provided the perfect environment for me to hone my skills and gain exposure. Our team had a number of veteran players who I learned a great deal from."

Number of Teams in ECHL: 28

Number of Teams in HockeyEttan: 36

Caliber of Players and Imports in ECHL

Skill level of ECHL players is quite high, with the league only getting more skilled each year as more NHL/AHL clubs fill rosters here with up and coming prospects. A healthy percentage of ECHL rosters are filled with promising young players who have hopes to step up to the A and National league. You also have a number of seasoned veterans who possess many games in the ECHL, AHL, and a few who've had some cups of coffee in The Show (NHL). If you're undrafted and not a top major junior, NCAA, USports, or elite European player coming in, you'll have a tough time cracking a lineup here.

Caliber of Players and Imports in HockeyEttan- Sweden Divison 1

sweden division 1 hockeyettan level of play photo
For third tier leagues in Europe, it's one of the very best due to how strong Sweden is as a hockey country overall. Rosters here are comprised of up and coming talent aiming to move up, a handful of experience imports, and experienced Swedish players who continue playing locally at the Sweden Division 1 level.

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